Wallung Githa Unsettled is a series conceived and co-authored by photographic artist Cameron James Cope and Gunai artist Steaphan Paton.
It interprets and acknowledges, through symbolism, performance and visitation, the violent truth of events that happened on Gunai and Monero country (the southeastern-most point of mainland Australia) in the mid 19th century – events that go unacknowledged officially, but that still resonate profoundly.
Shot on battle sites, massacre sites, original homesteads, watering holes and ceremonial grounds in the area now called Gippsland – the photographs explore the euphemism of European ‘settlement’ and the tragic, interwoven ancestries of Paton and Scottish author, Cal Flyn.
Wallung Githa Unsettled is also a limited edition poster zine and was first exhibited alongside a solo installation piece by Paton.